Align Technology first introduced Invisalign to the market in 1999 after recent advances in digital technology enabled the creation of sequential removable aligners to move teeth. Once novel, Invisalign is now a digital orthodontic appliance used to treat millions of patients. Invisalign, however, is not the only company to use this technology. Many companies are now utilizing this technology allowing your orthodontist to select the appliance that works best for you.
How does it work?
Invisalign, or the generic term clear aligners, are customized appliances created by the aid of sophisticated 3D imaging and animation tools that enable virtual simulation of tooth movements. Tooth movements resemble a filmstrip, and each frame is called a stage. Each stage corresponds to a set of clear plastic aligner trays. As the trays are worn by the patient, every tray pushes the teeth .25-.33mm at a time. Each tray or aligner is composed of clear, removable polyurethane, which provides esthetic and more comfortable appliance wear experience than the traditional fixed appliances like braces. This unique and esthetic alternative to tooth movement continues to recruit more patients to orthodontic therapy.

The importance of using an expert
The weakness of this system and software is that it assumes tooth movements in the patient will mirror the virtual treatment. It hardly happens perfectly with every patient every time. Yet, some clinicians are very successful in producing the desired result whereas, the rest of the world maybe disappointed. Thus, orthodontists, dentists, or at home aligner systems who plan to use clear aligners must rely heavily on their past clinical experience, highlighting the importance of seeking treatment by an expert. Fortunately, both Drs. George and Cogan are not only Board-Certified Orthodontists, but experts in the field of Invisalign and clear aligner treatment. Together, they have treated thousands of Invisalign cases and are confident that our office can provide you with the smile you have always dreamed of.
Give us a call today and let us help you achieve the happier, healthier you.